“The PASS North season will be over at that point in October, and those guys are always looking to find more races, so I expect that several Northern teams will head down there. That should add a little bit of extra flavor to the event.”
The Shenandoah race is the sixth confirmed date for the 2007 PASS South season. Series officials are putting finishing touches on the remaining events and plan to release the entire schedule within the next few days, which will include details on the second annual Mason-Dixon Meltdown.
“Everyone at PASS has been working hard, and everything is coming together very well,” said Mayberry. “We’re real close to having everything put together, and we’re a little bit ahead of schedule. We’re much further ahead of where we were last season. At this time last year, we still hadn’t had our first rules meeting. This year, we’ve almost got the entire schedule finished. That should help teams prepare for the season, and I know that it will really help us promote the series to fans. The second year for PASS South is going to be a big one.”
Mayberry also indicated that PASS plans to sweeten the pot for teams in both the North and South for the 2007 season with several new contingency programs under negotiation. Further announcements on those programs will be coming soon.
For more information on the PASS South Series, contact Jeremy Troiano at (704) 455–2051 and for technical and rules information on all of the PASS tours, please contact Scott Reed at (207) 625-3230.
Also, be sure to visit the official PASS South website at www.racewithpass.com and the official website of PASS North, www.proallstarsseries.com.