Name: Mike Fowler

Age: 23

Hometown: Standish, Me

Race Series: P.A.S.S Outlaw Series 

Car: Chevy -Camano 1992, number – 66x

Sponsors:  RJF Motorsports,KDA Development,Webbers Remodeling,Rebound Technoligie


Pit Crew: 

Richard Fowler – Co-Car Owner/ Crew Chief

Wendy Fowler –  Race Day Food

Jason Welch (Turbo) General Mechanic

Steve Hanson – General Mechanic

Jason Fowler – Car Chief

Joey Pastore – General Mechanic/Lucky Drawer

Deanna Emery – Race Day Food/Trophy Wife

Steve Tapley – Spotter
Annette Tapley – Team photographer/Scorer


Racing Stats


4 Time SMKI Champion

3 Time SMKI Driver of the Year

2 Time SMKI Sportsmanship of the Year Award

2001 Sports Series – Rookie of the Year

P.A.S.S Outlaw Late Model Win (2007) White Mountain Motorsports Park





Q. What are your plans for the 2008 season?

A. We would like to do the same thing that we have been doing with the Outlaw Series and maybe run a few more PASS Races depending On Sponsorship, and time restraints



Q. How did you get started in racing?

A. I've Been around racing My whole Life, My Dad owned a Championship Race team At Beechridge while I was growing up, (The Garden Gang) Mike Johnson And Mike Mieatta drove for them and accumulated 7 championships under their ownership I just grew to love the sport and appreciate That I am fortunate enough to be able to do what I love. I started racing Go-karts When I was 10, and was pretty successful there, until I was 15 and met a lot of great people. From there I moved to Stockcars.

      I have been lucky enough to watch our sport evolve into one of the most popular spectator sports we have today.



Q. What do you think about the PASS Outlaw Series?

A. I Love Racing in the series I think it is a Great Series for Young driver to mature  as Drivers and learn to pace themselves for a longer distance Race. It reminds me of The “Busch Series” compared to the Cup series, It is a great stepping stone towards The P.A.S.S Series, If I could change one thing in the Outlaw Series, it would probably be that we should be able to put 4 new tires on for (every) race instead Of 3 and having to deal with policing Bank Tires



Q. What is your most memorable moment in your racing career?

A. It has to be my First Outlaw Win this past Year, we came so close so many times and were fast where ever we went, we just always seemed to have bad luck or something come in our way. It feels good to finally get the monkey of our backs (hopefully)



Q. What was your wildest wreck?

A. Well I have been pretty lucky not to have that bad of wrecks, but the worst so far is when our right front wheel broke at speedway 95 and I ended up hitting the sand bank head on. And Riverside In 06' was pretty wild.



Q. What's your favorite track to race at?

A. Well I would like to say White Mountain because of the win there, But I really enjoy going home To Beechridge, Its a really tricky track to get a consistent handle on the place and a great facility, We have run pretty well just about every time we go there and I always look forward to the Races there.

 Andy does a great Job keeping it a first class facility.



Q. What are your plans for the off season?

A. Well most of the off season will be spent working, I love going up to our camp in Rangeley Snowmobiling and skiing. I always seem to have something to do around my house; the list of stuff never seems to get shorter. I enjoy spending time with my Girlfriend (Deanna), friends and family, and off course preparing the racecar for next year!