On August 15th, the Golden State Racing Team and NASCAR Diversity Driver Katie Hagar get back on track after having a month off from the New Stockton 99 Speedway. The team started their Saturday morning with a team breakfast held at the Jordan’s house/ race shop. “ We wanted to get the team together after having so much time off and start the day in a positive way…” said Hagar. Still holding onto the track record, Katie and GSR went into the twin 50 lap main events with her back-up car, finishing a clean 7th and 8th place finish.
“This is the first time we have ever raced this car, we weren’t sure if the same set-up we have been running in our primary car would work with this chassis that I’m having to run now. We have something to build off from now. The most important thing to me, is that we brought it home in one piece.” Katie stated after handling an extremely tight race car.
After Saturday nights race, Katie was then able to head back to Maine on Sunday night to see family. “I’m so excited! I haven’t seen my family in over five months. We have a new addition to the family so I’m anxious to meet my new nephew. I need a good dose of family right now…”
Katie will return to California and get back into the race shop to prepare for September 12th twin 50 lap main events at Stockton 99 Speedway. For more pictures and updates, you can stay tuned in with Katie at www.D4D.tv and www.KatieHagar.com