Waterbury, VT – Ford Racing and the American Canadian Tour (ACT) recently announced an aggressive $35,000.00 contingency program in 2010 for those teams that have supported the Ford-powered S347JR ACT crate engine program.
ACT has announced the criteria for the program:
- Ford teams must be registered and approved with ACT office
- Competing teams must be 100% ACT legal
- Butler MacMaster Engine seals must be present and not tampered with
- Individual tracks must validate official finishes with ACT throughout the season
- Any violation of the sealed Ford engine program will result in loss of all points and disqualification from the Ford contingency program for the remainder of the season
- Any track adjustments to the Ford rules must be approved by ACT for continued involvement in the 2010 contingency program
- Rules and criteria are subject to change in the interest of competition
ACT TOUR & ACT Castrol Série
Win $500
2nd $250
3rd $100
ACT Special Events, NHMS ACT Invitational II,
VT Milk Bowl
Win $1000 or
Best FORD $ 500
ACT Ford Racing Blue Oval Cup Challenge
(A season-long point program encompassing all Ford participants throughout the ACT Tour, ACT Castrol Canadian Series, and all ACT affiliate weekly tracks. An end-of-season point tally will reward Ford-powered competitors finishing in the top 10 as follows):
1st place- $3000 6th place- $ 600
2nd place- $1500 7th place- $ 500
3rd place- $1000 8th place- $ 400
4th place- $ 800 9th place- $ 300
5th place- $ 700 10th place- $ 200
A total of 43 ACT events will be eligible for contingency during the 2010 race season. All ACT affiliate weekly programs will also be eligible, including: Thunder Road in Barre, VT; Lee USA in Lee, NH; White Mountain Motorsport Park in Lincoln, NH; Oxford Plains Speedway in Oxford, ME; Seekonk Speedway in Seekonk, MA; Waterford Speedbowl, in Waterford, CT; Twin State Speedway in Claremont, NH; Kawartha Speedway in Peterborough, ON; and Capital City Speedway in Ottawa, ON. Other tracks may be added and numbers of events are subject to change.
Terms and Conditions
- Points will be issued to registered Owner. (Driver will be considered owner unless registration with ACT indicates otherwise)
- Any combination of twenty (20) touring events and/or weekly events [there will be no maximum of event limits for eligibility in final point standings] will be used to determine the final standings in the Ford Racing Blue Oval Cup Challenge year-end standings. All teams will be scored on a total of the best 20 events regardless of number of events entered.
- Team will be given maximum 12 points if they register and attempt to qualify but fail to compete in the main event.
- Team will be issued 16 points for each event under the 20 race requirement they fail to attend. Example: A team attends 18 events. They receive 16 points for two events under 20, making their penalty 32.
- Lowest point total wins overall Blue Oval Challenge for events and season long standings.
- One point (1) will be given for a win, two (2) points will be given for second, three (3) points for third…etc.
- All Ford team competitors will receive points in all the feature events they participate in to a maximum total of twelve (12) points per event, regardless of number of entrants in any single event (tour or weekly). Example: a team that competes in a field of 24 cars and finishes 18th will receive only 12 points
- Lowest number of points for twenty completed events will determine the year-end standings regardless of number of events entered.
- After twenty events completed, worst event will be eliminated and replaced by a more favorable finish
- In the event of ties, first place will be determined by the competitor with the best finishes in their point-counting eligible events (up to twenty)…most wins, most seconds, most thirds..etc.
- Positional ties for second through tenth will divide the position money equally
The following list of teams are currently approved for the Ford Racing Blue Oval Cup Challenge and overall 2010 contingency program at approved ACT locations:
Cris Michaud, Northfield, VT
Joey Polewarczyk, Jr., Hudson, NH
Glen Luce, Turner, ME
Wayne Helliwell, Jr., Haverhill, MA
Joey Laquerre, East Montpelier, VT
Mike Johnson, Salisbury, MA
Jeff Taylor, Farmington, ME
Austin Theriault, Fort Kent, ME
A. St. Peter, Calais, ME
(additional teams may be added)
The first eligible event for the Ford Racing team members will be the ACT season opener on April 18, 2010 at the Lee USA Speedway in Lee, NH with the annual running of the Governor’s Cup 150. Cris Michaud, who gave Ford racing their first win at Thunder Road Speedbowl in Barre, VT is a former winner of the Lee Governor’s Cup 150 and is expected to enter and will attempt to give Ford their first ever ACT US Tour event win. This will also be the first opportunity to lock in an invitation to the ACT Invitational II at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway on Saturday, September 18, 2010.