Speedway resumes racing this Friday night with another NASCAR Whelen
All-American Series event, featuring handicapped starting positions for all
Last week the feature event winners in the E Keys 4 Cars Late Model, Prime
Storage Late Model Sportsman, and P. B. Chopper Shop and Rod Small Block
Supermodifieds all started their respective races near the front of the
field. If they are going to repeat this Friday, they will have to earn it,
as New Hampshire’s Center of Speed is throwing out the traditional three
week wait to start handicapping the lineups.
“Our fans love to see passing and side-by-side racing, and so do I,” stated
track owner Red MacDonald. “This will guarantee that! not only for this
Friday night, but for the rest of the season.”
In addition to the increased passing, the race fields are expected to
increase this week as well, with several drivers who were not able to make
the season opening event expressing their intentions to compete in this
second event in 2010.
The Picnic Table Factory Hobby Stocks, David’s Race Cars and Components Road
Runners and the American Auto Parts Ironman divisions will also be on the
card. They will be joined this week by an appearance from the Classic Lites,
who brought a high car count to the three-eighths mile oval for the “Test
and Tune” practice day in April.
Just confirmed today is the rescheduled date for the American-Canadian Tour
(ACT) race at Lee USA Speedway. On Friday, June 11th the ACT Tour is
expected to bring in over 50 race teams to compete in a very special 150-lap
Race fans can look forward to seeing all of the stars from the ACT,
including Nick Sweet, who raced to victory in the season opening event at
Thunder Road (VT) on Sunday after he qualified through one of the
consolation races.
Due to the large ACT car count expected, a few of the NASCAR Whelen
All-American Series divisions will be given the night off on June 11 to
allow time for the numerous competitive qualifying events that come with an
ACT Tour race. Tentatively, the Late Model, Late Model Sportsman and Hobby
Stock divisions will be in action on June 11th.
For more information updates on the ACT tour event log onto:
This Friday night the Lee USA Speedway should be lit up with excitement, as
NASCAR action in New Hampshire returns to its Friday night home for another
exciting night of competition.
Log onto: www.leeusaspeedway.com for further updates, and the race night
schedule of events as each event approaches.