MaineRacing.Com Northeast Motorsports Expo Launch
January 7th, 2011 – MaineRacing.Com Launches their new website at the Northeast Motorsports Expo. The site has a cleaner look, loads pages faster. The new site provides support for rich media such as video, and other new features. The site will allow for tracks and other media sources to publish press releases directly to MaineRacing.Com.
A lot of effort went into converting the news from the old site to the new updated site. Searching for past news stories will be faster and provide for more searching options. The forum remains unchanged since the last update.
MaineRacing.Com is also offering some new web site services:
Custom websites developed by Chris Roy
– Hosting* and Domain Name Services starting at $80.00/Year
– Development of website starting at $120.00
– Low hourly rates for custom work and updates
Template based websites
– Hosting* and Domain Name Services starting at $50.00/Year
– User interface to make your own updates to content.
– Low hourly rates for custom work or assistance.
Starter Template site
– Hosting* for only $25.00/year (use one of our existing domain names**)
– User interface to make your own updates to content.
– Strict content restrictions apply
– Low hourly rate for assistance (little to no ability to customize site)
Ad supported site – (one dynamic ad is built into the template)
– No hosting* costs – (use one of our existing domain names**)
– One time setup fee of $10.00. (Free offer for January 2011***)
– User interface to make your own updates to content.
– Strict content restrictions apply
– Low hourly rate for assistance (little to no ability to customize site)
* Bandwidth and Space restrictions apply
** Domain Names available – subject to availability and recommend 8 characters or less.
(You Pick).MaineRacing.Com
(You Pick).MaineRacer.Com
(You Pick).RaceMaine.Com
(You Pick).NERacer.Com
(You Pick).NERacering.US
(You Pick).RaceTeam.ME
(You Pick).RaceTeamBlog.Com
(You Pick).RaceWayBlog.Com
*** Offer and Prices subject to change at any time.