By Dan Walker

Beech RidgeScarborough, Maine- After taking a two week break from competition, David Oliver returned in grand style on Saturday night by winning the 40 lap Pro Series feature race at Beech Ridge Motor Speedway. The Scarborough Maine oval brought the NASCAR Whelan All American Series and the Valenti Modified Racing Series together for a show in front of a big crowd of fans. The Pro Series race started off with Bob Gahan setting the pace from the pole position with Steve Berry quickly moving to the runner up spot. Gahan would stay in front until lap 12 when Berry drove around him to take command of the race. Berry’s stay at the front of the field was short lived as Steve Carrier went to the front on the 16th circuit with David Oliver moving to fourth. Oliver took third place on lap 18 and quickly took second position 1 lap later setting his guns on the lead car of Carrier. Oliver pulled to the outside of Carrier on lap 22 and completed the pass 1 lap later eventually crossing the finish line 2 car lengths in front of Aaron Ricker who got to second place late in the race. Carrier was third followed by Berry and Trevor Sanborn.

Rusty Poland scored his first victory in his very short career on Saturday night. Andy Field bolted into the lead and appeared to be on cruise control as he drove away from the field. The mechanical demons that have plagued Field all season reared its ugly head again on lap 20 when with a big lead the car shut down relegating Field to the pit area. Rusty Poland had been running in second position inherited the lead with Rob Herrick close behind. Poland did a masterful job of staying in front for the final 15 laps to take his first win with Herrick second. Frank Wear came from deep in the starting field to finish third with Corey Bubar and Don Colpritt fourth and fifth at the finish.

Matt Gain won his second Wildcat feature race in the last 3 starts. Buddy Minott led the opening 6 laps before Gain powered his way into the lead. A caution flag on lap 8 didn’t slow Gain down at all as he blasted back to the front with Dan Bean chasing. The final laps stayed green and Gain sailed under the checkered flag for the win with Bean second and Brian Caswell third. Nicholas Cusack and Peter Evans took the fourth and fifth place positions.

Brian Graffam won the Road Runner 20 lap race for the second time this season. Nicole Timmons led the first 3 laps before yielding to Graffam who easily secure the win from that point. Dave Turner was second followed by Natasha Dyer in third. Ryan Phillips was fourth followed by Dave Cameron in the fifth position.

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