Barre, VT- Joey Polewarczyk Jr, is looking to defend his right to kiss Ms Daisy Dalton this weekend at Thunder Road Speedbowl in Barre, VT.

Who is Daisy Dalton, None other than the newly crowned 2011 “Miss Milk Bowl” of course. Dalton is a registered Ayreshire Dairy Cow. It is what Daisy represents that is so important to the more than expected 50 drivers, who will attempt to qualify for the Peoples United Bank Milk Bowl.

The 49th Annual Vermont Milk Bowl, has been dubbed numerous times by National media outlets as “The toughest one-day short track race in North America” This race consists on 3 segments with inverted starting spots, based on your finishing order. Lowest overall score after the three segments is crowned the Milk Bowl Champion.

Joey considers last years win easily the biggest win of his career. “Winning the Milk Bowl is a career defining win for a New England race car driver, everybody has heard of the Milk Bowl.” Joey reflects on what it meant to his team to win, “We were all very emotional after the win, it really gave us confidence at Thunder Road, it took us a while to let it sink in last year.”

Polewarczyk will once again pilot the familiar, Black #97 Poles Automotive, NH Precision, Ford Fusion around the Barre High-Banks in search of joining the select few multi-time Milk Bowl Winners. That club only has 10 members.

Starting last year, the Milk Bowl extended the second and third segments from 50 to 75-laps each, Joey talks about how that helped, “The segment increase was the key to my victory, without the added pressure of having to hurry in segment 2 because I only had 50-laps, I was able to slow down and be patient.”

“We are just so pumped up right now, we had a great run last week (NHMS, 7th place finish), and we have our Ford, exactly where we want it. I think we have a great shot to become a back-to-back Milk Bowl Winner.”

Keep up with the action on Joey’s website at

The Milk Bowl is set to take off this Sunday, Oct 2, with a post time of 1pm.