photo by RPM
Story by Chris Roy
This race season Jordan O’Brien is racing in the MOAT Mountain Legends Series at New Hampshire Motor Speedway. “I will be racing for rookie of the year this season, and hopefully I will be in the fight for the championship.”
Last year Jordan was racing in F1 Karts and now how has made the transition to legends, “Well last season I raced F1 style go karts at F1 Outdoors and at NHKA, and I absolutely loved them, but the minute I first got on the track with the legends car it was just a whole different level, it was amazing.”
So what made Jordan decide to race Legends cars this season on the road course at NHMS?
“Well, I have always had a passion for road course racing and my dream has always been and will always be to someday get a drive in formula one. I always thought legends cars were extremely cool and I thought it was time to take the next step, so then I started the ranting on dad. We got introduced to Bob Weymouth through Alex and George Vorrilas, and we started talking to Bob about the possibilities of getting a car. Then Christmas time came around, and one day we happened to be in the area of Bob’s shop.
I said to my dad, “hey we should go and stop by and say hi to Bob” and he said yeah that would be a good idea, so we scooted over to Bob’s and we saw he was there so we stopped in. We were talking, then Bob said “hey Jordan, go check out the car back there, it just got here” so I went over to check the car out, but the only cars that were there were ones I had already seen except one which was under a tarp, and I asked Bob, “you mean the one under the tarp” and he told me yes so I started to remove the tarp and not realizing I noticed it had my number on it, and I turned to my dad and told him that it had the same number. I then continued to remove the tarp, and I then noticed my name on the car and that moment I realized that it was mine, and I turned to my dad and he had a big grin on his face, and that moment I knew that I was taking the next step.”
Jordan has gotten some good advice from some of the race veterans at NHMS, “I have gotten lots of helpful tips and advice about the track and how the car with react in certain spots, and I am very thankful for those tips and advice, and I can’t forget to thank Bob Weymouth for all of the help he has given us. If it weren’t for Bob I wouldn’t even have the opportunity to race legends cars, so thanks again to Bob.”
In just his second race of the season Jordan, made it to the podium in victory lane with a 2nd place finish. “Yeah that was a great day. I have personally always loved racing in the rain and had a knack for it, and I was really looking forward that day and figuring out how legends cars handle in the rain. The green flag waved and after the first lap I knew I had chance at a podium, and everything went perfectly and I couldn’t have asked for a better day.”
The road course at NHMS is the most unique legends race track in New England, left and right turns, hills and valley, and long straight-aways, “The road course at NHMS is just awesome, lots of elevation change, it’s a very skill testing track. I had raced the NHMS road course on the iRacing.com simulator but it just doesn’t compare to the real thing.”