photo by RPM 360

Story by Chris Roy


In the first race of the 2017 season in the Sign Works Bandolero Series,  Matt Gaudreau of Eastford, CT , got his first win at NHMS. “To get my first feature win at NHMS in the Bando was very exiting to me and my crew as we are still fairly new to the bando scene.  This first win gave us the confidence that we needed to keep improving.”


The bandoleros return to the Mini Magic Mile, on July 8th.  “As far as being ready for this coming mini mile race in the bando, I am ready.  We still need to perform the regular maintenance on the car, and make any adjustments that we need to make.  We will be ready by the end of this week.

Matt is busy on the track this season as #8m race team is racing in the Sign Works Bandos as well as the MOAT Mnt Legends road course series.  “As far as pulling double duty for the TSM bando and legend it makes for a very busy race day, and work week.  Often times we have a road course race in the legend on Saturday morning, and transition to the bando race on the oval that night.  The two cars require two completely different driving styles making the transition that much more difficult.  During the week we spend all 5 days working on both cars.”


The mini oval is a .25 track, which can be tricky when entering the transition in turn one and the exit in turn 4.  “The key to getting around the mini oval at NHMS in the Bando is to always hit your marks on the racetrack.”


Some drivers also work on the car which give them a better understanding of how the car works and what it will do. “I do work on the race cars along side everyone else in the shop.  From the start of my racing career I have worked on all of the cars that I have drove, and I believe that has contributed to some of my success because of the knowledge that I have of the car.”


Racing in two different types of race cars, can be difficult, as the race cars handle completely different. “One main difference that I find between the legend car, and the bando is the throttle response.  In the legend the throttle is right there  when you need it,  while the bando takes a while to get going.”


Matt looks to extend his points lead over the rest of the field in the bandos but, Cam Huntress #27x is only 9 points behind, as they race towards the 2017 championship.  “At this point in the season I do believe I can win the 2017 Sign Works Bando Championship.  With a great car and team I think anything is possible for the remainder of the season.”


New this race season in the bandolero series, is Lee Speedway, Speedway 51, and Monadnock Speedway have been added to the race schedule.  “I like the idea of a touring series for the Bandos’ this year.  With this traveling series we have had higher car counts this year, and I enjoy the added cars on the track.”


As the Sign Works Bandos and Legends Series is growing what tracks would the drivers see in the schedule possibly next race season. “An additional racetrack that I would like to see on our touring schedule is White Mountain Motorsports Park.  I have heard it is a very fun track to race, and would like to give it a try myself.”


In the past the bandos have raced on the 1.6 mile road course at NHMS. “A bando race on the road course sounds interesting. I would race that event for the experience.”


Matt would like to thank his sponsors – TS Motorsports, Dynamic Weight Loss Center, Thomas Buffington Associates.