Jul 2, 2013 | NE Racing News, Schedules
Monday, 7/1/13
Cardi’s Furniture Superstore(Quaker Lane, Rt. 2, W. Warwick, RI)-Cruise Night,5:30-8:30 p.m.
Haywagon Restaurant(Uxbridge, MA)-Cruise Night, 5 p.m.
Mark’s Auto Parts(Russell Rd., E. Granby, CT)-Cruise Night, Food, Live Music, Family Fun, Raffles, Vendors, 5-9 p.m.
Old Harbour Village(567 So. County Trail(Rt. 2), Exeter, RI)-Cruise Night, 5 p.m.- Dusk.
Susi Q’s Place(3208 Plainfield Pike, No. Scituate, RI)-Cruise Night, 4-9 p.m.
Jun 26, 2013 | NE Racing News, Schedules
Monday, 6/24/13
Cardi’s Furniture(Rt. 2, W. Warwick, RI)-Cruise Night, 5 p.m.
Haywagon Restaurant(504 W. Hartford Ave., Uxbridge, MA)-Cruise Night, Music, Food, 5 p.m.
Mark’s Auto Parts(E. Granby, CT)-Cruise Night, Live Music, Family Fun, Raffles, Vendors, Food, 5-9 p.m.
Oak Harbor Village(567 S. County Trail(Rt. 2) Exeter, RI, 5 p.m. -Dusk.
Suzi Q’s Place(208 Plainfield Pike, N. Scituate, RI)-Cruise, 4-9 p.m.
Jun 18, 2013 | NE Racing News, Schedules
Monday, 6/17/13
Cardis Furniture Superstore(Quaker lane(Rt. 2)W.Warwick, RI)-Cruise Night, DJ, 5:30-8:30,p.m.
Mark’s Auto Parts(E. Granby, CT)-Cruise Night, Food, Music, Raffles, Vendors, 5-9 p.m.
Oak Harbour Village(567 South County Trail, Exeter, RI)-Cruise Night, 5 p.m. To Dusk.
Suzi Q’s place(208 Plainfield Pike, North Scituate, RI)-Cruise, DJ, 4-9 p.m.
Jun 11, 2013 | NE Racing News, Schedules
Laconia Rally (NH)-Events Every Day At 9 a.m. Weirs Beach Lobster Pound, NHMS In Loudon, NH Road Races, Hill Climbs & Flat Track Races At Gunstock Ski Area, Swap Meets & Flea Markets.
Monday, 6/10/13
Cardi’s Furniture(Rt. 2, Warwick, RI), Ex 8 Off I-95)-Cruise Night, 5 p.m.
Haywagon Restaurant(504 W. Hartford Ave., Uxbridge, MA)-Cruise Night, 5 p.m.
Mark’s Auto Parts(E. Granby, CT)-Cruise, Family Fun, Live Music, Raffles, Vendors, Food, 5-9 p.m.
Jun 5, 2013 | Schedules
Monday, 6/3/13
Cardi’s Furniture(Rt. 2, W. Warwick, RI)-Cruise, DJ, 5 p.m.
Haywagon Restaurant And Creamery(504 W. Hartford Ave., Uxbridge, MA)-Cruise Night, DJ, 5-8:30 p.m.
Mark’s Auto Parts(Granby, CT)-Cruise Night, Live Music, Raffles, Vendors, Food, 5-9 p.m.
May 27, 2013 | New England Motorsports North, Schedules
Monday, 5/27/13
Cardi’s Furniture(Rt. 2, W. Warwick, RI)-Cruise Night, DJ, 5 p.m.
Haywagon Restaurant & Creamery(504 W. Hartford Rd., Uxbridge, MA)-Cruise Night, 5 p.m.
Hudson Speedway(NH)-Stockcar Racing, 1 p.m.
Lime Rock Park(CT)-SCCA Trans-Am, F-1500, Sportscars, 9 a.m.
Unity Raceway(ME)-Rescheduled Openiing Day, Stockcar Racing, 1 p.m.
Riverside Speedway(Groveton, NH)-Rescheduled Opening Day, Late Model 50 Plus Support Classes, 1 p.m.
Thunder Road International Speedway(Barre, VT)-Rescheduled ACT Tour 100, 1 p.m