Mar 24, 2015 | Karting News, RKS, RPM 360

photo by RPM 360
Story by Chris Roy
Brady R. Campbell from Stetson, Maine is getting ready for the 2015 race season in the Jr. Sportsman Series at Richmond Karting Speedway. “We still need to dig our trailer out of the snow and take the go kart out and put it all together.”
Though race season is only a month away, Bradley has kept busy in the off season. “Hunting, Ice Fishing, Snowmobiling and waiting for the race season.”
Mar 15, 2015 | Karting News, Maine Race Tracks, RKS, RPM 360

photo by RPM 360
Story by Chris Roy
Kayla King from Buxton, Me. will be back at Richmond Karting Speedway in the Sr. Sportsman Series as well as starting a new adventure getting behind the wheel of a legend car. “I will be racing at RKS this season. I’m really looking forward to my 2nd year in Sr. Sportsman. I will also be racing for a championship in Sr. Sportsman. I’ll also be transitioning into my ‘new ride’, we recently bought a legend and I’ll be practicing it. I think this season will be a great year for me to really show some of my ‘top notch’ racing skills. We’ve ordered some parts, but they haven’t quite made it onto the kart yet. Mentally on the other hand, I’m so ready for some racing! I’m super excited to get in touch with some of my racing friends and I can’t wait to go after the point’s championship!” (more…)
Mar 6, 2015 | Maine Race Tracks, Oxford Plains Speedway, RPM 360, Wiscasset Speedway

photo by Brandon Simmons
Story by Chris Roy
Brianna Bodman, of Cushing, ME has working hard in the off season to get ready for the upcoming race seasons at Oxford Plains Speedway in the Cruisers Division, and at Wiscasset Speedway in the Enuro Division. “I’ve been working as a CNA 40+ hours a week to save up for this coming season.”
The Oxford Plains Speedway, 2015 race season for the Cruisers Div. begins Wednesday June, 10th and Wiscasset Speedway starts their Enduro race season May 9th. “I’m so ready for this season. I can’t wait. I plan on racing Wednesday nights at OPS and Saturday nights at Wiscasset and maybe a few Sundays at Unity.” (more…)
Mar 4, 2015 | Maine Race Tracks, Maine Racing News, RPM 360, Wiscasset Speedway
Story by Chris Roy

photo by RPM 360
2014 Wiscasset Speedway Pro-Stock “Rookie of the Year”, Maggie Ferland, is getting ready for another season at Maine’s fastest track. “I will continue to race at Wiscasset that will be my home track for this year. I will also be traveling to other tracks in Maine and all over New England with Billy Penfold, my racing mentor. I will still be gaining more dirt experience at Volusia speedway in the spring and winter.”
So how has Maggie been keeping busy in the off season, she has been racing of course. “I have raced at Volusia Speedway in Florida. Volusia Speedway is a dirt track. I enjoy racing there and gaining experience, it is a lot different than asphalt. At school, I’ve been playing basketball and joining extra curriculums, such as the math team, art and the leadership club.” (more…)
Mar 1, 2015 | Maine Race Tracks, Maine Racing News, RPM 360, Wiscasset Speedway

Photo by RPM 360
story by Chris Roy
Tasha Dyer, of Arrowsic, ME., will be back this season racing in the Super Streets Series, at Wiscasset Speedway. So what has the driver of the #32 car been doing in the off season? “Traveling the eastern seaboard, spending time with friends & family and getting ready for the 2015 racing season!”
Opening day at Wiscasset for the Super Streets in on April 18th, so is the 32 car all set for the green flag? “No, unfortunately. We’re just getting my new car out of the snow bank this weekend.”
The race divisions at Wiscasset Speedway are divided into two groups which alternating racing every other week. “Being a racer, my ideal schedule is to race every weekend. However, with the possibility of wrecking and having a life outside of racing, having the week in between every race gives us time to work on the car after a bad wreck and have some family time in between.” (more…)
Feb 26, 2015 | Karting News, RKS, RPM 360

photo by RPM 360
Story by Chris Roy
Michael Moody, of West Gardiner ME. is the defending Champion in the Mini Cup Series at Richmond Karting Speedway (RKS). “It was awesome to win my 1st championship at RKS. My cousin Justin and friend Dan really worked hard on the car to get it where I could compete.”
So what has Michael been doing while waiting for the green flag, “I’ve been doing a lot of plowing and snowmobiling this off season.”
Well the race tracks here in Maine have been averaging at least 1 snow storm a week for the past 2 months, so will the snow be gone before opening day on April 26th, at Richmond Karting Speedway. “I honestly do not think the snow will be gone although I really hope it is.” (more…)