Story by Chris Roy

Kassidy Burton, travels every weekend from her home in Wiscasset, ME to Richmond Karting Speedway (RKS) so she can race her number 12 race kart. One thing that is very interesting about this little driver…… she is only 4 years old!!!
She got her idea to go racing when she went to watch a friend race. “Back in June when I saw my friend Connor Wenners race, I decided that I wanted to try too” Kassidy stated.

Whenever you see Kassidy at the Richmond Karting Speedway, she always has a huge smile, so I asked her if she likes racing at RKS? Her response, “Yeah, it’s my favorite place to go and we camp out there.” Though the best part about being at RKS during the summer has to be “Racing my go-kart and watching my friend Connor race.”

Not only does Kassidy race the number 12 kart, she is also working in the pits! “I try to work on my kart with my daddy so I can learn to go SUPER fast! I need new tools though.”
Though Kassidy hasn’t spent her entire summer racing, “I like to going camping, and fishing with my great grampa Colby.” But when the fish aren’t biting, Kassidy is back at the track for a different type of racing. Little Miss Burton likes to go to Beechridge Motor Speedway to watch racing and car wars! And sometimes, she just likes to hang around “biking and playing with my little sister Aubryana & my doggies Ruger & Holly.”

When it comes to picking her favorite driver, Kassidy is a member of the JR Nation. Maybe one day she will get to race with Dale Jr. in NASCAR. As for right now she will be racing to pre-school in a few weeks to learn how her physics class will teach things like camber, drafting, and drag coefficient and how it applies to the race car! Ok it maybe a few years before she takes that class but, this weekend she will be taking her competitors to school as she drives as fast as she can go.