Story by Chris RoyThis past weekend Austin Teras hit the Trifecta as he won three different races, at 3 different tracks, on three different days. “It was fun and amazing! It was a great opportunity. It was difficult because I raced 3 different karts. It was also very hot! I had to drink a lot of water and Gatorade!”

On Friday night Austin to the checkered flag at Oxford Plains Speedway, Saturday he raced at Thundering Valley where he took home win number 2. Then on Sunday he completed the trifecta with his win at Richmond Karting Speedway. As Austin explains the 3 different race tracks are complete different from one another, “Oxford track is very small and bumpy, Thundering Valley is big and very flat, and Richmond is fast and smooth, These 3 tracks have nothing in common.”

Racing at three different tracks a lot of work going into the karts, “There is a lot of prep work that go into each kart. The set up are very different as well as the tires for each kart, in total we ran 5 different features, the other 2 races I got 2nd place in.”

When it comes down to which track is his favorite that’s easy “Richmond Karting Speedway is my favorite because it is fast and fun. This will always be my home track and my favorite paved track in Maine.” Austin won the 2011 Boxstocks Championship last season at RKS.

Over all between practice, heats and 5 feature races the 29 kart turned quite a few laps, “At Oxford there are 20 lap features, At Thundering Valley there was 25 laps in the feature, Richmond Karting Speedway had 30 laps in the feature. In the whole weekend I completed 120 feature laps! I was exhausted by Sunday, but I would race everyday if I could.”

This race weekend Austin is taking it easy, “We have racing at Oxford Friday night. Double features 20 laps each. Everyone else has off due to Louden racing. Other than that I am going to take some time to go tubing on the lake!”