DSC_3920The kart racing season is about to get underway and Colby Benjamin can’t wait to see the green flag fly. Though Colby has been busy in the off season, “In the off season I have been ice fishing, playing basketball, target practicing and cub scouts.”

Richmond Karting Speedway (RKS), kicks off their race season May 5th, and the Colby is ready to race. “Oh Yeah! Can’t wait to get on the track again. Hoping to get a few more wins this season and try some new tracks.”

Colby has a full schedule this upcoming race season as he looks to race in the different series and a few expedition races. “This season we plan on racing at RKS most of the time and are glad to be racing on Sundays. I will be racing purple/boxstock class, blue/junior sportsman, blue animal and hopefully Bandoleros.”

Colby had a pretty good race season last year, 1 win in box stock at RKS, 2 in Jr sportsman, and 4 at oxford. “I learned a lot racing at Richmond last year. It was a big class with a lot of other great racers. I’m hoping to get a few more wins this year.”

Even though Colby loves racing his kart he doesn’t mind turning a few wrenches. “Yes I clean them and love to change tires. This year I will have more responsibility on the karts. I am going to learn more about the needed tools and wrenches. I will also be responsible for checking fuel and loose bolts.”

When it comes to racing the one thing the drivers all love is racing under the lights. “I prefer night racing under the lights, it’s exciting. One of my best races last year was under the lights. A side by side finish, I won by inches.”

BV 52.com, Merrifield Painting, and friends and family.