Walpole, NH- Long time flagman at Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park (TSMP), Tim Bennett, will now sit atop the flag stand with the Granite State Pro Stock Series (GSPSS).
Bennett, who spent 15 seasons at the TSMP, recently stepped down from the flag stand at the 5/8 oval due to work conflicts. GSPSS official Jennifer Ready was quick to send praise of Bennett. “We started looking for a replacement as soon as we knew we were moving Bryon up,” Ready commented. “Both Bryon and I have worked with Tim in the past, and he seemed like the perfect fit to me. Tim had worked with us last year, and is familiar with our procedures.”
Bennett is ready for the new challenge in his career. “After being at the same track for 15 years I am excited to take on the role as Chief Starter for a touring division, opening up a new chapter of my life,” spoke Bennett.
Tim Bennett will make his debut on the flag stand for the Granite State Pro Stock Series, this Saturday, August 9th, at Monadnock Speedway for the JBH 100. For more information about this event, visit www.gspss.net, or contact Mike Parks at mparks@gspss.net.